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A Father Went On An Epic Text Rant To His Wife After Their Toddler Vomited In The Car

Dads are always a total mess, aren’t they?

We men can hardly take care of ourselves properly.

There is no way any of us should be allowed to supervise a young child on our own.

And look no further than the following rant below for evidence of that fact.

After their toddler threw up in the car, Ben Patterson sent a series of hilarious texts to his wife as he freaked out about the entire experience.

It’s the funniest thing in the world.

Unless it happens to you.

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(via: Scary Mommy, h/t Distractify)

You should probably also check out how this Husband Responds To His Wife’s Texts About Their Baby In The Best Way Possible.


Max Miller

Max is the co-creator of RuinMyWeek, and while he doesn't spend as much time on the site as he used to, that's because he's busy hosting @bobscredits — A Bob’s Burgers Podcast.