The Mountain’s ‘Tiny Girlfriend’ Finally Answers The Question We’ve All Been Wondering

With the final season of Game of Thrones behind us, it seems like as good a time as ever to revisit the question: “Um, so how does it work with the Mountain and his girlfriend?”

Backing up for a second, it’s important to note that The Mountain, who is played by 6’9″, 400 lb World’s Strongest Man champion Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson,″ has been with now-wife Kelsey Henson, 5’2″ 115 lb since 2017.

Hafþór in action.

Kelsey in action.

Both of them together, for comparison.

Naturally, the size disparity raises a lot of questions about their relationship, not the least of which is: how does Kelsey reach up to kiss her giant husband?

Recently a fan posed that very question to Kelsy on Instagram:

 “How do you kiss? Do you jump into his arms every time and wrap your legs around his waist? Please post a picture of this impressive action.”

And, surprisingly, she responded saying:

“Ah, he bends, I tiptoe. Or just say screw it, pick me up!”

This makes sense, especially since The Mountain has been known to pick up 800+ lbs like it’s nothing, so one can’t imagine picking up Kelsey’s 115 lbs is much of a challenge. 

Despite their dramatic size difference, the couple, who met when Kelsey had been working as a waitress at a bar, and Hafþór stopped in while in town competing in a strongman competition, does seem genuinely in love and quite adorable.

Aww. They’re so cute I almost feel bad sharing this meme about them.

mountain girlfriend meme, funny mountain meme

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