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Women Share How Hard It Is To Get Their Doctors To Provide Sterilization Procedures (13 Posts)

Yep, file this one under “it happened to me too”.

I asked for an IUD when I was 23 or so. My doctor said no. She wouldn’t do it. Because..? I might change my mind (they come out)? Or… something? I didn’t know it at the time, but that was some serious bullshit and I should’ve raised some hell.

But hey, what do I know: I’m just a lady in a medical office!

Recently the BF Community shared their own struggles with trying to get birth control options. Guess what? It’s pretty universal.

1. Took the damn tubes

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2. Husband’s approval

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3. He wasn’t sure

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4. This is not his choice!

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6. A man who doesn’t even exist decides

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7. Begged for it

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8. Too young!

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9. I hate this so much

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10. Waited for two years

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11. Counseling? Gross

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12. No thanks!

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13. Are you SURE?

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