Children of Sex Workers Share Thoughts On Parents’ Jobs


I feel like she did what had to do to take care of her two boys as a single mother. I don’t even feel shameful about it, I still love and adore her memory. I am thankful she was willing to sacrafice her body so we could have clothes and food, all things considered she was an amazing woman who taught me about the world and definitely shaped my personality.

Can’t believe I just openly posted about this. But f**k it. I love her and am not ashamed.



I found out my mom did work for about a week when I was ten (edit to clarify that I was ten when this happened, not when I found out lol). She’s a very large woman. 6’3 and 220 pounds. I guess my dad’s boss was about to retire and was really into that specific type of woman and to celebrate, paid my mom $4,500 over the course of a week to basically man handle him and peg him. He gave my dad $2,500 as hush money because that being leaked to the community could’ve ruined him, even though he was retiring. Quite a bit of money for us at the time, almost life changing. We got a newish used car, paid off old rent debt, went to the water park and both my siblings and I got a ton of new school clothes.

I feel no shame in it, especially since my parents agreed as a married couple and as adults to do it. I know my wife and I talked about it and we’d do it in a heartbeat lmao



Not my mother but my grandma, she struggled pretty hard in her days and thankfully my mother and aunt didn’t feel ashamed or upset because of it, a significant part of her family practically disowned her tho, now this makes me f**king mad because no one was there to help but to judge, after all of that my grandmother and mom managed to build a very good life and gave me a lot of opportunities, and to this day I say f**k you to that part of the family who just made my grandma’s life harder.



Son of an American prostitute here. I feel like I was born out of her failures, if she where to have taken a different, more healthy path in life I wouldn’t exist. I was born from mistakes, and that can do a number on your psyche. I have a few siblings, most of them I barely know, none of us have the same father. It hurts, because I care about my mother. I don’t know how, or why I care. She always disappoints , one day she’s quitting drugs and the next she’s sucking guys off for some heroin. I’ve come to the conclusion that family is what you make it, that they’re no such things as mistakes just things that happen. I exist now, and that is fine. Family is far from somebody biologically related to you, family is someone who you’re connected too no matter the circumstances, if you can’t love your biological family then they’re not family.



I’m from a country where prostitution is legal so my experience might be different from others.

At first my mother was working freelance but later on she opened her own place where she was renting rooms to other girls so that they can work together. Her place got quite famous and she got a lot of requests from medias every time they wanted to do documentaries or just reporting pieces about sex workers. Since she agreed she apperead on national television a couple time and she got recognised quite often for a short while.

Now, how do I feel about it? As her son, it was difficult at the beginning to accept this kind of things but she was always honest about the environment in which she was working to reassure me that she was always safe and doing it in her own term. It is such a strange experience but one day it just became completely normal to me, business is business. My family is otherwise normal, so normal it would be considered boring for most.

Fun story, in school we used to have parents-teachers day and around the beginning of middle school for me, she stopped going to these meetings. The reason for that was told to me much later. The last time she went, she actually saw one of my teacher that was also one of her client. The mood was apparently extremely awkward but I was completely oblivious to it at the time.



I didnt realize til I got into my teens. My father left us when I was like 3yo and my brother 6yo, We were in the best schools we had the newest nintendo consoles and stuff and had a good life but my mother was never around or we never had much family time and we had people taking care of us (babysitters)

I used to hate my mom for never being there with us or share family time but now days I understand why. I had everything, roof , AC, food, the popular toys and video games.. sometimes I cry because of how confused I was back in the day and today now everything makes sense.

She didnt graduate school, she didnt had experience on any area.. she did it for us. Today shes a bit old now, my brother is helping her economically and taking care of her, shes dating someone too and I can see in her eyes that shes finally living the life she always wanted.

We never talk about it, no one has mentioned even this conversation.

Im grateful for having her in my life.

F**k you Dad



It’s fine because she doesn’t do it anymore and we have a really happy life.



not a prostitue but she was a porn star, for the most part I can kind of accept that it was what it was and that it’s always gonna be this weird fact about her, I did resent her for it when I was younger as a lot of the kids in school would often berate me for it.

but these days I’ve kind of made my peace with it.



She doesn’t do it anymore. Anything she did in the past is absolutely none of my business. I’m not one to judge. It is what it is. I still love my mom regardless.



When someone says “I f**ked your Mom!”

I reply “Yeah, I know dipshit, you put me through college.”


You can view the entire post here.

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