Men Are Revealing The “Worst Reactions” To Letting Their Emotional Guard Down (20 Stories)

11. Teens SUCK.

My mother passed when I was 15, cried my eyes out to my girlfriend at the time – she called me a little bitch and said she didn’t get why I was crying – behind my back to her group of friends, and my best friend, who told me. So I broke up with her, then she spread a bunch of rumors about me. Yep, Teenagers are fucked up


12. I need HER to be strong.

For me, it was when I needed her to be the strong one. Got super stressed out from first deployment, expressed that I needed a day or two of my own time to chill out from my gf at the time due to her insatiable desire to either be horny or problematic or how she would constantly express her horniness and then dump a really tough conversation on me (she was very back and forth about wanting kids, huge topic for me). Like she’d butter me up and then mention her mother wants us to date for 7 years before marriage and that’s the only way it could happen like wHAT. So. During the time I needed to clear my head, I didn’t do anything that’d hurt her I just went to work and focused on me and coping. Turns out, she lost interest in me pretty much immediately and then left me the two days later once I felt okay again because I wasn’t good enough. It’s cool, I was fine all alone out there and I learned that I am not dating a manipulative wreck who uses relationships to feel better about themself and uses me as a therapist. I’m a grown ass man and sometimes if I’m really stressed I need space away from the stress and not more crying or problems or complicated shenanigans.


13. It’s not going both ways

That was my experience with my first girlfriend. She was really pushy about knowing my deepest, most irrational feelings, but got insecure, defensive and hurt over them when I shared instead of being remotely supportive.


14. That’s a bad friend.

A friend of mine told me I should open up more, and to share more with her. She promptly decided to drop all her problems on me, while also telling me to fuck off when I had my own problems because “you should go deal with your problems yourself, I’m not your therapist”. She then used my issues to try and gaslight me into thinking I was insane. Nice gal, we ain’t friends anymore.134


15. Post Break Up

Opened up about how I felt about being dumped to a close friend that I was there for when they were in the same situation. My feelings and emotions were dismissed. The conversation left me feeling like an idiot for having these perfectly normal post break up feelings.


16. It’s therapy for a reason, honey.

My wife asked me what I said at counselling and I told her about my suicidal thoughts. She wondered aloud what else I hadn’t told her, and why I was keeping secrets, and does she really know me, and how can she trust me…


17. Stories about sisters

So, when i was still trying to make my marriage work, my therapist advised me to open up to my ex wife about my past. So i did just that. After i told her the second story about my sister, she threw it back in my face the day. Told my therapist “yep, not doing that again.” Therapist agreed available introduced me to a marriage counselor. That fucking back fired too.


18. Abuse

I got my ass beat for trying to talk to my mom about being abused. Then getting shit on every time I’ve tried to relate to someone since. I don’t really want to live in a world like this but I guess I don’t have a choice.


19. Terrible high school pals

Aunt and I(M) got into a fight, I was 16 the time. It was a misunderstanding. She was shouting that I cursed at her when I didn’t even knew she was there. Parents were unreasonable and kept telling me that I shouldn’t have shouted back because they were older even though they were in the wrong. Told my girlfriend and some of my new friends at the new school. They were very helpful in the messages, morning comes and they were laughing at a part of the story I told them which didn’t really mattered in comparison to what I felt. Didn’t talk or came near them for 3 days. Girlfriend apologized though when I told her how insensitive it was.


20. Medic in India during COVID

I don’t like opening up to anyone even today, after two years of anti depressants and six months of therapy. I can’t open up to my mom because she would end up using it against me, maybe immediately, maybe later. Don’t get me wrong, I love my mom. She’s been through a great deal and tried her level best to not let that shit reach us ( my brother and I),but to err is human. My dad is what your typical Indian dad is, a stoic guy, not expressing himself( kind of like the meme of that dog sitting in a room on fire). Add to that his emotionally distant parents and him joining the army at 17 to become an officer and you have this absolutely thick exterior that doesn’t let anything through. I work as a doctor in Delhi. Everyone around is dying. Bright eyed juniors I knew, people I said goodbye to not knowing it would be the last opportunity I’d get, patients and their hapless families, grieving mothers/ fathers/ wives/ husbands/ parents/ children. None of them deserved it and I feel that somehow I’m to blame. I can’t just man up every time. Sorry I started this diatribe. Had to get it out somewhere.
