15 People Confess Their Weirdest Bathroom Habits

I bet we all think our bathroom habits are pretty normal — but are they really? Maybe you sing on the toilet or like to chat with your pets while you’re taking a soak. And yeah, they’re not harmful or gross or anything, but that’s a little odd yaknow?

Here are 15 people with some peculiar bathroom habits gathered from, where else, Reddit. Thanks to u/StickleyMan for asking the community what some of their “weird bathroom habits” are. Enjoy!

1. Cats

I have to bring all my cats into the bathroom with me. That way if I [pass] on the toilet they can be my guardians into the afterlife.


2. Flush

Every single time I get out of the shower, I flush the toilet, regardless of whether or not I have used it. I have no specific reason for it, but I am completely compelled. I experience anxiety if I don’t.


3. Pee Time

I measure the amount of time for which I pee. In between, it had become such an obsession that I would hold it in to beat my previous record.


4. Take it off

I have to take my trousers and underwear off to number 2. Makes it a hassle in a public restroom but I hate having my legs or ankles restricted by the clothing.


5. TP Fold

I start folding TP for wipes as I’m dumping. I do enough for five wipes, and use about 4-6 sheets per TP wipe depending on ply. Fold more as necessary when wiping.


6. Rules

I can’t touch the toilet handle with my hand only my elbow or toilet paper.

I have to put down my towel after a bath, even know I have a mat.

I have to put the toothpaste cap back on when my girl leaves it off.

I have to put foot powder in my socks: I do it 3 times.


7. Art?

I have a shower with one of those glass walls, so when it steams up, I like to put water in my mouth, stick my face straight onto the fogged up wall, so that my nose, mouth and my chin are touching it. I then puff up my mouth and shoot out the water from either side of my mouth, so that the trajectory arcs slightly upwards on either side of my face before running down.

If you do this correctly, when you look at it, the silhouette looks like a person with wings for hands. The part where your nose touched is the head, and the water arcs are the wings, and your chin is the body.

It’s art, but not as you know it.


8. Flush first

Sometimes, I go to pee and flush before I even started.


9. Correct!

I started doing this as a kid, originally because I often heard the same (or similar) sound while others were showering. I thought making that noise would prove, to anybody who might be listening to my shower sounds, that I was showering “correctly”.


10. Safety!

I always check behind shower curtains before I pee to make sure no one is behind it that’ll kill me.


11. No Splash

I put some paper flat on the water before I take a poop. No upward splash.


12. Dance break

Every time a strip down before I shower, and check myself out in the mirror and dance for 10-20 seconds.


13. Ninja brushing

When I pick up my toothbrush I have to launch it up in the air and then nonchalantly catch it, like a ninja. The same goes for the toothpaste.


14. Wet wipes

I make my own wet wipes when I’m in a public bathroom. If they have the thicker brown hand towels I’ll wet a few and use those to complement the tp. Makes for a cleaner bum 🙂


15. Vogue!

I put my hand on my hip when I brush my teeth… I don’t know why.
