Can We Talk About How Justin Bieber Just Challenged Tom Cruise To A UFC Fight?

Well, if you were hoping to start the week off with a weird celebrity feud that makes absolutely no sense, you’re in luck, because Justin Bieber just challenged Tom Cruise to a UFC fight. Yes, really. No, we don’t know why, either. 

Bieber, 25, tweeted on Sunday night, “I wanna challenge Tom Cruise to fight in the octagon. Tom if you dont take this fight your (sic) scared and you will never live it down. Who is willing to put on the fight? @danawhite?” 

Ummmm, okay. Weird doesn’t even begin to cover it.

Former UFC champ Conor McGregor even graciously offered to host the bout. 

Cruise hasn’t yet replied, via Twitter or anywhere else. But lots of other people have.

Comedian Paul F. Tompkins also volunteered to host the fight. 

Jake Marsh, who has a comedy-sports podcast called Pardon My Take, provided a rundown for the fight he dubbed “Cruisin’ For A Bruisin’.” (Nice.) 

And there were tons of jokes.

And Kevin Smith had a few tips for the Biebs. 

As for who would win, well, a lot of people are putting their money on Cruise. 

More information on this compelling story as it develops. 

Dean Altman

Dean Altman is a writer living in NYC.