This Is What Hollywood Gets Wrong About Foreign Countries According to the People Who Live There


American: Our high school students aren’t in their mid to late twenties. —mikestorm


It’s not all snake charmers, cows and the Taj Mahal. —Cheese_Junky


I’ve yet to come across a movie where Argentina is well represented at all, so I’m going to say “literally everything” —Unreasonableberry


Hollywood: All Irish females are willowy ethereal dream girls with flowy red hair wearing this long droopy 1940s dress under a little thin cardigan your Nana wouldnt be seen dead in, and flash their blue eyes flirtatiously at you on some rocky hillside.

In reality: all Irish women wear fleece jackets over fake tan, and just want you to buy them curry chips. —YeahWTF20


British films often have guns casually yet its very rare to find a gun outside of serious organised crime. —protentiousmoi


That literally the entire country is just a desert and that everyone is poor, we have rain forests and cities as big as LA too you know —ed_vg_


99% of British people do not talk like they were born in the 18th Century! —Jezza_Jones


In italy, there isn’t mafia in every F*CKING city. Only 80% of them. —Just-Anto


Im australian and i swear every movie I see where a person from america or anywhere else travels to australia they land in sydney or melbourne and its just a few hours drive to “the outback”.

It would take you a day and a half to drive from those places to the outback and thats only if you dont stop to eat/get petrol —KermitTheFraud92


The Netherlands

Our language

In one show they said: gaat hij haar een taxi gebeld)

Translated to English it says: goes he her a taxi called)

That’s not how we say it but okay  —YellowCatswithHats