33 People Share The Fan Theories They Believe Are “100% True”


“Sean Connery (John Patrick Mason) in The Rock was actually 007 who was captured while conducting espionage in the USA (after the events of the last Bond film with Connery, “Diamonds Are Forever”), then imprisoned at Alcatraz.” –kukukele


“Squilliam plot every Squilliam inspired episode. He doesn’t actually have a band to play with, he just did that to embarass Squidward. He doesn’t actually teach a prestigious music school, he just did that to get Squidward arrested. His clique aren’t his actual friends, they’re paid actors to piss off squidward. Wither Squilliam is jealous of Squidward for continuing to follow his dreams and having “real” friends rather than abandoning them to make money, or they were once lovers. I prefer both.” –Sethleoric


“Jessie’s Girl is Stacy’s Mom.” –Happy8Day


“Pepe Silvia” is just Charlie trying to pronounce Pennsylvania.” –gigthem08


“Barney from How I Met Your Mother isn’t actually as much of a womanizer as Ted says he is. Ted’s an unreliable narrator and could’ve presented this image of Barney to his kids either because he was jealous of Barney’s relationship with Robin, or because he wants Barney to look unsuitable for her. That way, Ted’s kids see Ted and Robin as soul mates.” –hehehaha24


“Miles Morales is considered a symbol of death among Peter Parkers who are aware of the multiverse.” –NolanPines413


“Doctor and Rose in the parallel world are perfectly happy with each other.” –SakshiPawar96


“That the book Rory writes in the Gilmore Girls revival is the original show – that explains why the characters are so different from the show vs revival miniseries. She’s looking back at the past with rose colored glasses.” –Azhreia


“Bikini bottom is a nuclear bomb testing site which is why the fish have legs.” –AlexIsACarrot


“Event Horizon is a prequel to the Warhammer 40k universe.” –FeasibleBeaver