Thanks to the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic currently paralyzing the world we are living in a particularly crazy time. So it’s no surprise that particularly crazy people are coming out of the woodwork like termites out of a smoking log.
Amidst the widespread uncertainty and fear caused by the pandemic and its ensuing quarantines and economic ramifications, people are turning to the wildest and most outlandish of explanations, by which I mean conspiracy theories, to explain the novel threat posed by the novel coronavirus. Theories as to the origin and nature of the COVID-19 include everything from a global government conspiracy, to it all being a hoax, to the disease being caused by 5G cell phone signals.
These folks, many of whom are anti-vaxxers, mostly aren’t big readers but they are dedicated sages of conspiracy theory message boards and long-ass Youtube videos with crappy graphics that discuss things like Hollow Earth theory. So when it comes to explanations for the coronavirus pandemic, anti-vaxxers have some doozies.