23 Dads Who Gave It Their Best Shot, But Still Failed

11. This dad who ruined breakfast when he mixed the laundry detergent and the almond milk.

dad fails
@the.teach /Instagram

12. This dad who executed a classic dad fail by “losing” his keys. 

dad fails

13. This dad who swore he put away the sour cream. 

dad fails

14. This dad who didn’t realize he wore two different shoes—on the wrong feet. 

dad fails

15. This dad who was so tired, he put Cheerios in his coffee maker. 

dad fails
@graham_blue /Instagram

16. This dad who made an awesome sandwich surprise for his daughter, only to realize it’s getting smashed. 

dad fails

17. This dad who will never be in charge of photos again, ever.

dad fails
@kelvin_goertzen /Twitter.

18. This dad who had a plan…and it was horrible.

dad fails

19. This dad who left a sock in his baby’s diaper. 

dad fails

20. This dad who totally KO’d during feeding time.

dad fails
@deardelilah1 /Reddit