Fails Sometimes Bad Design Can Kill You (30 Pics) by Ty May 24, 2021 16. Precision parking u/abyigit/Reddit 17. Is this part of the ride? u/Phrastou/Reddit 18. “This 1955 device for smoking a whole packet of cigarettes at once” u/Nightstar95/Reddit 19. 1930’s baby hanging design u/Honeyontoast123/Reddit 20. “Sorry, wheelchair users!” u/dancingpianofairy/Reddit 21. They’re both relieving something u/Wafflestompingpro/Reddit 22. “Warning label inside a helmet I received when we rented 4-wheelers” u/jswa8/Reddit 23. “The cannonball loop waterslide, a slide so dangerous it was shutdown almost immediately after opening” u/metricrules/Reddit 24. “every chair in this resort fits through the deck, and the majority of people who stay here are seniors” u/emugamer222/Reddit 25. Artificial snow made out of asbestos from the 1930s u/philms/Reddit 26. Bathtub and bail u/TheLoneGinger9/Reddit 27. The human equivalent of magnifying glasses melting ants u/badsalad/Reddit 28. Tread lightly, bikers u/Oskar2705/Reddit 29. “Poor guy” u/GinormousNut/Reddit 30. Break your foot after every slide! u/GrantScib/Reddit H/T Page 2 of 2Previous page 12Next post Ty