
People Who Thought They Could Lie But Got Nominated For The ‘Didn’t Happen Of The Year Awards’ (20 Pics)

It’s the Internet so we’re bound to get a bunch of liars flying around. Like, inevitable, right? Thank goodness for Didn’t Happen to the Year Awards (DHOTYA) on Twitter! They comb through all the social media posts that absolutely, unequivocally, could not possibly have happened and post the best tall tales on their page. We’ve curated some of the best from that Twitter feed and are thrilled to share a bunch of “This Absolutely Did Not Occur” stories while laughing our way through it.

1. This isn’t true.


2. Uh.


3. Lies. Facts!


4. People are wild


5. AND a moron to boot


6. Dude’s a liar


7. You wrote this yourself, asshole


8. Everyone CLAPPED? I’m slain


9. Wrong app


10. I hate these people


11. Winner!

12. No.

13. What is with people using the kids as props?

14. Kids DO say weird things, but this weird?

15. WE LOOKED. AT THE FLOOR, hold on I’m laughing too hard, AND WEPT.

16. People who say “hubby” should be arrested

17. This person has never seen a 10 year old boy’s handwriting

18. What.

19. In your.. mind?

20. I cannot