Fails Thanks To These Dumb Facebook Fails, We Are All Now Dumber (47 Pics) by Dan Wilbur December 23, 2020 16. Can’t wait to see his beard! Facebook 17. BDSM grilling is here. Facebook 18. If only we could find a way. Facebook 19. Explain it, science! Facebook 20. I would pay for access to many things. Facebook 21. Nothing quite like that smell. Facebook 22. I should have paid attention in Algebra. Facebook 23. The double banger. Facebook 24. The student has become the parent, I hope. Facebook 25. I passed a mild stone once. Painful. Facebook 26. Fitting a whole week into five days. Facebook 27. Accountable? Facebook 28. Not allowed within 50 feet of a car now. Facebook 29. Well, you tried. Facebook 30. Bad for several reasons. Facebook Page 2 of 3Previous page 123Next page Dan Wilbur Dan is a author, blogger and stand-up comedian.