People Are Trying And Failing To Do DIY Repairs In Quarantine (15 Pics)

Having the ability to do simple household repairs is an important life skill. Your average adult human should know their way around a toolbox well enough to do small repair jobs in their own home so they don’t have to call an expensive professional every time a drawer breaks or a sink gets clogged. 

But the hard truth is that some people are naturally handy while others the reverse Midas touch where everything they touch turns to shit. These skills or lack thereof are being tested like never before during the coronavirus pandemic with people unable or unwilling to get outside help and wielding the screwdriver and wrench themselves.

This is a post about those people who attempted a DIY project or repair during the quarantine and failed spectacularly.

1. This shower door removal that went sideways

2. This quick-fix after a part was delayed in the mail


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3. This no-mess ceiling fan repair job


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4. This person who applied a fresh coat of paint…to their rug

5. This backward curtain tie that’s not going to hold sh*t

6. This fresh stain with a fresh stain

7. This faulty knob job

8. This cat door for a VERY acrobatic cat


9. This wallpaper removal by someone who got a little overzealous

10. All of the “fixes” in this clever home renovation company ad


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