Fails Just 23 Posts That Are Equal Parts Funny And Awkward by Kate Hackett August 13, 2021 Thanks to r/facepalm, we can all end the week with a firm slap to our foreheads and wonder: oh no, why, what??? Enjoy! 1. Ahh Twitter u/TruStoryz / Reddit 2. Native level u/Kittykateyyy / Reddit 3. Balding high schooler u/Sk3f / Reddit 3. Oh no dad. : u/MammaCake / Reddit 4. Video pause u//proarnis1 / Reddit 5. Labias? /proarnis1 / Reddit 6. WITHOUT A WHAT u/RGBullen / Reddit 7. Hashtags in the 90s? u/Elitetimeline7 / Reddit 8. Influencers are idiots u/khamosh132 / Reddit 9. No bears?! u/Human02211979 10. Your vs You’re u/bella0lss0n / Reddit 11. Trash u/Hotdogpizzathehut / Reddit 12. 1904 was wild u/alonessbeats1011 / Reddit 13. Our codes don’t change Reddit 14. Prius Reddit 15. SUCH CONFIDENCE Wikimedia Commons 16. Oomf indeed. u/TruStoryz / Reddit 17. A pound is measurement, bro u/ollieolliebingbong / Reddit 18. Telsa’s American, dummy u/xChops / Reddit 21. 22. Kate Hackett