interior design, interior design fails, design fails,

“Please Hate These Things” Is An Instagram Account For Awful Interior Design (27 Pics)

A good interior design fail is as enjoyable as watching your biggest enemy fall on their ass.

These days it doesn’t matter how something looks in real life—what matters is how it looks on Instagram.

Whether it’s a carefully arranged eggs benedict being photographed at brunch or a meticulously designed living room, the world has been optimized for mobile.

But bad interior design is bad interior design, so some of these things still look pretty damn dumb, no matter how you slice it.  Now, in a delicious irony, an Instagram account called Please Hate These Things has been created to lampoon these aesthetic disasterpieces.

From hideous bathroom decor to interior designs with an aura of nightmarish body horror, here are some of the worst things people have willingly done to their living spaces.



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