These Clothing Designers Should Probably Find New Jobs (45 Clothing Design Fails)

Congratulations, you’re reading an article that’s not about a virus! But with the global ‘roni crisis showing no signs of stopping, don’t get used to it.

No this article is about clothing designers who, like Icarus, flew too close to the sun and were brought brutally down to earth by reality. Some of these clothing design fails are truly monstrous, others merely boneheaded, while some are so bad that they transcend awfulness and become…kind of cool, frankly.

That said most just make the wearer look like an idiot or draw attention unflatteringly to the crotch and/or ass.

Here are some funny clothing design fails from designers who gambled and lost:


design fails, clothing design fails, clothes fails


design fails, clothing design fails, clothes fails


design fails, clothing design fails, clothes fails



design fails, clothing design fails, clothes fails






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