worst food stadium, worst food sporting match, worst food football
Twitter: @elliotwhu

People Share The Worst Things They’ve Ever Eaten At A Sporting Event (19 Pics)

No one goes to a stadium for the food, unless they have a very specific love of paying too much for terrible food. There must be someone like that out there, but most people are there for the game and take the fact that the exorbitantly priced food sold at the concession stand will also be awful. It’s just part of the experience.

Twitter user @elliotwhu asked paid tribute to this experience by asking, “What’s the worst food you have had at a football match? Here’s mine.”

It’s not clear if they meant “worst” as in worst for you or worst tasting, because this really long sausage in a really short bun actually looks like it might be fun to eat a few beers deep.

Commenters interpreted the question in multiple ways and started sharing photos of some unbelievable stadium meals. As far as I can tell, most of the people answering are in the U.K. or Europe and “football” means soccer to them. That’s disappointing because I might try some of this stuff.

Oh no. I’m one of the weirdoes.









