TikToker’s Viral Hack Keeps Your Lettuce Fresh For A Month

Keeping produce fresh is something every human knows very well. You go to make a baller taco only to find your lettuce as limp as a toilet paper roll in the rain.

It’s disappointing in two ways: one, you don’t get to eat what you had planned, and two, expired lettuce is GROSSSSSSSSS.

Luckily, blogger Lama Bazzi taught us a handy little trick that will keep lettuce fresh for up to a month.

For real, a whole darn month.

Bazzi goes by @tastegreatfoodie on TikTok and posts food tips and quick recipes. In a viral post, she showed fellow TikTok users how to keep their lettuce fresh for a month.

The hack is incredibly simple. All you have to do is fill a sealable container with water, submerge the lettuce and close the lid tight.

A month later, Bazzi posted the results in a part-two video. She pulls the lettuce out of the mason jar filled with water.

And the results are…

Still fresh!

The update video received 1.9 million views and nearly 222K likes.

Bazzi told BuzzFeed the trick was inspired by her husband, who learned a similar hack from being in the restaurant business.

“My husband taught me to submerge carrots or celery in a container filled with water, covered in the fridge so they keep fresh for longer. I have been doing that since, but I recently decided I should try it with lettuce, and it worked wonderfully!” she said.

You can get more food tips, plus recipes, on Bazzi’z blog, Taste Great Foodie.