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It Doesn’t Get More Awkward Than This Note From A Neighbor

We’ve all had a run in with a neighbor at some point in our lives.

Some are pleasant, others not so much.

But probably the worst possible encounter you can have with a neighbor is an awkward one.

There’s nothing worse than being so embarrassed that you have to avoid eye contact with a person you see on a regular basis.

I feel like that is exactly what is going to happen with this letter that one neighbor had to eventually leave for another.

Give it a read and then let’s reconvene for a couple thoughts.

awkward note from a neighbor, awkward note, awkward notes, awkward, funny notes, funny pics, funny photos, funny pictures, funny vids, notes from strangers, angry notes from strangers, angry note, angry notes

I personally love that this neighbor has dealt with this exact situation before and knows the perfect solution. I would very much pay to be able to witness the very next interaction these two neighbors had.

(via saved_by_Singularity)

This note would probably be right at home with All Of These Hilarious Notes From Neighbors.




Max Miller

Max is the co-creator of RuinMyWeek, and while he doesn't spend as much time on the site as he used to, that's because he's busy hosting @bobscredits — A Bob’s Burgers Podcast.