Whenever I’m Feeling Down, I Read Funny Pornhub Comments To Cheer Myself Up (41 Pics)

Did you know there’s a whole comments section below the Pornhub videos you watch? Makes you wonder what kind of person would leave porn comments, right?

Well, there are 2 kinds of people who leave comments on Pornhub videos. First, you have your basic weirdos who comment things like “she have prefect bobs i want to suk.” Who are they talk ing to? Is this person out there driving a car and voting? Terrifying.

Second, you have good-natured people who are just looking to have a laugh. For the sake of time and keeping your faith in humanity intact, we’ll be focusing on those.


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At Pleated-Jeans.com, we're all about keeping it light and fun, delivering daily chuckles with a mix of hilarious memes, pictures, comics, and lists — no filler, just funny. We aim to make sure every post cracks you up, makes you think, adds a little joy to your day.