30 Sentences That Are Complete (But Hilarious) Nonsense If Read Normally

Making a sign isn’t easy! You always start out way too strong, realize you didn’t have as much space as you thought, and it all goes downhill from there. It’s hard to do artsy stuff if you’re not an artsy person! It’s pretty important to remember if something doesn’t turn out, you can literally just throw it away and start over! You really don’t need to hang it up.

Someone should have passed on that message to these people who clearly took one stab at making a sign and threw it up on their wall. If you see their creative vision, you might be able to understand what going on with these signs, but when reading these from left to right, they make no sense.

Don’t forget when The Walking Dead blew us away in season one with their “Don’t Dead, Open Inside” doors. Great job, set design guys.

1. Don’t Display EAT!! Only!

2. Sat New Urd York Ays City

3. Welcome Have A To Class Nice Day.

4. Drug is the Free Key.

5. Shosple Colupis, of course.

6. This is a whole mess. Why is Assassin up there?

7. Hear That Noise We Are Growing We Can Fix it Again Apply Inside.

8. When I Dip You We Dip Dip.

9. Non Action And Stop Excitement.

10. Spread Cream Not Cheese Disease.

11. 5 Extremely Slow Children Playing

12. Don’t Save A Life Be Afraid To Give Blood.

13. Don’t The Turn And Grades Let Semester You Your Upside Down.

14. Women Kickboxing Kids.

15. Please Mask Wear.

16. Enroll Your Russian Child Now!

17. I Am Dond.

18. Food Station. Take What Leave What You Need You Can

19. It’s Not Unless Fall You’ve Had Pumpkin Flu and Spice a Shot

20. This is such a mess.

21. Keep Minimum Please The Distance.

22. CarOP Washen

23. Nope.

24. Don’t go kill vegan!

25. Lets fight, keep us corona, safe virus.

26. This teacher tried their best.

27. Don’t bees open inside.

28. Just a bad tattoo anyway.

29. Stop Earth The Denying Is Dying!

30. Teachers Who Love Teach Children Teaching To Love Learning

Plus one last-minute user submission:

Hannah Riley

Hannah Riley a comedy writer and content editor with ADHD living in Seattle, Washington.