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This Guy Wore The Greatest Custom T-Shirt While His Wife Was In Labor

If you want to know the best thing you can possibly do while the woman you love is in the process of giving birth to your child, it’s what the guy in the photo below did.

A close second is being supportive and lamaze and all of that stuff.

But most important is being as hilarious as possible while your wife is in probably the most agonizing pain of her life in order to bring your child into the world.

This father-to-be had a custom shirt made and made sure it was all packed and ready to go for this exact moment.

Let’s take a look…

guy wearing a funny shirt, guy wore funny custom shirt during wife's labor, funny shirt wife labor, custom shirt while wife was in labor, funny custom shirt, best custom shirt

(via: robin60062)

If you enjoyed this guy wearing a funny shirt, you’ll probably get a kick out of these people who learned a lesson the hard way about Wearing A Shirt That Says ‘Canada’ On It.




