20 Hilarious Posts That Are Funny Because They’re Super Specific

These posts leave me with …questions. Like: why? and: how on earth did you think of that? But hey, that’s half the fun over at r/suspiciouslyspecific, where people post things at are just SO specific, they’re hilarious. Take a look at this round up of some of the best!

1. Drink water


2. Kids


3. Ummmmm


4. Poor Dimitri


4. Hot brown water


5. Lease a falcon


6. Truth


7. Bye, self


8. Dog Lovers

: u/regian24 / Reddit

9. Get a bigger bowl


10. Green Ranger

 u/regian24 / Reddit

11. “Why don’t you shut up”

u/regian24 / Reddit

12. Well….

u/BlueGreenK / Reddit

13. Too real


14. Wellp!

: u/Strong_Boysenberry18 / Reddit

15. See?

u/Babymeatgrinder / Reddit

16. Perfect casting

 u/Atende / Reddit

17. Go Myrna

 u/fglockcvbcvb / Reddit

18. Art clients


19. Salt lamp


20. Big man
