Anyone who grew up in the South knows that the region has its own unique personality.
For instance, the word y’all is a required pronoun, the only way to pronounce caramel is ‘KARR-muhl’, and manners are a must. Not to mention, our summers are hotter than hell itself and we’re a little sensitive when the temperature drops below 70.
If you’re even the least bit familiar with Southern culture, then any and all of these tweets will crack you right up, sweetheart.
1. Throwing some polite shade:
3. Autocorrect adding y’all to its vocabulary:
southern culture is me typing tall on my phone and having it autocorrect to y’all automatically
— molly (@famousm0lly) August 10, 2018
4. Every woman is ma’am no matter what age:
Southern culture is when the girl working at Subway and I bonded over how we went to middle school together but then she called me ma'am while ringing me up..
— Muskaan (@muskaanm10) October 22, 2018
5. Always teaching good manners to other people:
Southern culture is hearing someone in any direction mumble "You're welcome, Your Highness" and knowing that somebody failed to say "thank you" when the door was held open for them, which will be talked about for the next two weeks.
— Shannon Miller (@ShannonL_Miller) June 10, 2018
6. Gambling with this mystery:
7. Pronouncing words the Southern way:
The 3 Branches of Government
• Fried Chicken
• Mac & Cheese
• Collard Greens— Terrence K. Williams (@w_terrence) November 24, 2018
9. The Sunday church crowds are no joke:
My parents are literally planning when they're going to Cracker Barrel tomorrow so they can beat the church crowd. This is southern culture.
— Blake Kitterman (@blake_kitterman) June 10, 2018
10. And no one knows how to drive in the snow:
This is actual advice the news is giving to Southerners for driving in snow
— Sorry, I'm Texan (@SorryImTexan) November 12, 2018