
The Best Signs (So Far!) Of Hollywood’s Writer’s Strike (20 Pics)

The Writer’s Strike is in full swing in Hollywood, with writers from all your favorite shows stopping work to picket studios. The writers are striking to make sure they have better pay, essentially, and are protected from AI and get their fair share of streaming revenue.

But … well, guys, they’re writers.

And some of them are pretty damn funny.

And with nowhere for that energy to go… we have some of the best picket signs you can imagine haunting the gates of studios. Huge thanks to @jennyyangtv over on Twitter who compiled this huge list of awesome signs. We rounded up our faves.

1. I would like to start with my absolute favorite.

@jennyyangtv / Twitter

2. One yacht

@jennyyangtv / Twitter

3. Just notes for studios

@jennyyangtv / Twitter

4. AI fears

@jennyyangtv / Twitter

5. Casual suggestion

@jennyyangtv / Twitter

6. Support your staff

@jennyyangtv / Twitter

7. Producers don’t write

@jennyyangtv / Twitter

8. They made The Wire mad

@jennyyangtv / Twitter

9. Yoda

@jennyyangtv / Twitter

10. The threats begin!

@jennyyangtv / Twitter

11. A little inside-baseball: writers order lunch FREQUENTLY from this sandwich place.

12. Simple homage

@jennyyangtv / Twitter

13. Think of Jenny!

@jennyyangtv / Twitter

14. So much AI

@jennyyangtv / Twitter

15. AMC Kidman

@jennyyangtv / Twitter

16. Free delivery

@jennyyangtv / Twitter

17. Thanks, Tom

@jennyyangtv / Twitter

18. Gays!

@jennyyangtv / Twitter

19. Fact

@jennyyangtv / Twitter

20. A whole bunch!

@jennyyangtv / Twitter