Lists 36 Liars Who Got Called The Hell Out In The 2010s by Lex November 26, 2019 21. This person who faked their dog “destroying” a pillow. Facebook 22. This boy who tried to fake his entire life story for an AMA. Reddit 23. This guy who claimed that women are the clingy ones. Facebook 24. This mom who thinks her 3-year-old is incredible. Twitter 25. This person who pretended to buy a famous painting at a garage sale. Facebook 26. This person who used a dead man to make a fake Twitter account. Twitter 27. This girl who “pretended” to take a candid photo. Twitter 28. This person who cannot do math. Twitter 29. This girl who tried to convince the world Chris Evans was her number neighbor. Twitter 30. These people who can’t seem to conceptualize powerful women. Twitter Page 3 of 4Previous page 1234Next page Lex Gabrielle