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People Dislike The Baby From “Ice Age” So Much It Became A Meme (26 Memes)

People hate the baby from the movie Ice Age AKA the “Ice Age baby.”

Don’t ask us why. The movie is from 2002 but incredibly aggressive memes expressing hatred for the Ice Age baby are suddenly very en vogue. It’s just something that the internet has decided, because the internet is a strange and unpredictable place.

This collective ire may stem from the fictional baby, who is named Roshan, looking a little derpy animation-wise, or may exist for no particular reason at all beyond the pure love of absurdity and nihilism that fuels the internet. There’s nothing like coming together with your fellow trolls in collective hatred of a thing—and if that thing is a fictional ice age baby it’s a delightful victimless crime no matter how vicious the memes. As such there’s already a Facebook group dedicated to hating the Ice Age baby that, while started just a month ago, already has over 100,000 Likes/Hates.

So to keep you up to date with the latest weird thing online we’ve collected a highly curated selection of anti Ice Age baby memes.

Here are some of the best Ice Age baby memes we had time to find.


ice age baby, ice age baby meme, ice age baby memes


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ice age baby, ice age baby meme, ice age baby memes




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ice age baby, ice age baby meme, ice age baby memes






ice age baby, ice age baby meme, ice age baby memes

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