Annie Spratt/Unsplash

24 People Share The Scariest Imaginary Friend Story They’ve Heard From A Kid

There’s nothing creepier than a little kid telling a terrifying story with blissful ignorance. Plenty of people had an imaginary friend or animal growing up but some things that come out of a kid’s mouth about their imaginary folks just ain’t right.

The people of Reddit started sharing the creepiest imaginary friend stories they’ve heard when xX_ENTROPY_Xx asked:

“What’s the scariest story you heard a child tell about their ‘imaginary friend’?”

And the results are creepy AF.

Here are the 24 most terrifying imaginary friend stories, in case you needed a reason to not sleep tonight.


“My oldest when she was four had an imaginary friend named Jack who lived under our back porch. He liked to shove sticks down people’s throats. I discouraged playtime with Jack.” –RyeDoll13


“My son was 2-3 and always had a bunch of imaginary friends. The most frequently mentioned were Monkey boy and the cowboy. When my son was two he woke up one night screaming. I ran in his room and he was terrified. He kept pointing at the corner and saying that Monkey boy was bad. I ended up picking my son up and putting him in bed to sleep with me.

The next time he was 3 and we were taking a walk with his younger sister in the stroller. I’m pushing the stroller and he’s walking just behind me. He keeps saying ‘Owww stop it’ or ‘please stop!’ I keep looking behind me at him and see nothing. I stop and ask him what’s hurting him. He says ‘the cowboy is hurting me mommy’ I tell him that there is no cowboy by us. He says, ‘Yes there is. It’s the cowboy in my head’ kids are creepy sometimes.” –brerosie33


“My cousin had an imaginary friend who she said used to live in the fireplace and ‘was red and patchy,’ as if she was burnt. Apparently she was a little girl who wore funny clothes that ‘looked like olden day clothes.’ Still spooks me out!” –babizzo


“When my daughter was a toddler she randomly started talking about a man named Don. She always described him the same way and didn’t seem scared at all, despite bringing him up every day. She didn’t go to daycare and we didn’t know anyone named Don. Then one day she got completely freaked out, wouldn’t walk around the house alone in case she ran into Don, wouldn’t sleep in her own room, and would talk about how she hated him because he said ‘mean words’ to her all the time. About a year into ‘mean Don’ we bought a new house. Once we moved she never spoke of him again.” –sciencenerd86


“My son had this imaginary friend: Ganga. She lived in the nearby pond, had duck feet, hair all over her face, ate through a slit in her neck and we were expecting her any minute for dinner. He was totally chill with this horrific monster idea, yet he had recurring nightmares about a puppy coming into his room. Kids are weird.” –Why_So_Slow


“My youngest niece had an imaginary friend and when my sister told me about it she said “ask her what she looks like”
“Ok, what’s she look like?”
“Broken pieces.”
“…Oh.. why’s she broken sweety?”
“She fell from our tree”
Nope. Sorry sis you’re on your own.” –DarthSangheili


“My son stopped talking to his imaginary friend for months after my nephew, who was 15, took his own life. My son, who was not quite 5, was the apple of his eye. My nephew treated my son like a little brother, and since his mom watched my son while I worked, they spent tons of time together.

I had simply told my son his cousin was sick from sadness and he’d died. I would remind him every time before we went to their house so he wouldn’t pester my sister about where he was.

One day he said ‘Mom, you keep saying he’s not here anymore, but he IS. He sits on my bed before I go to sleep and talks to me.’ He would NOT be dissuaded.

This went on for months. He knew things that happened that we did not speak about around him. My nephew’s grandpa on his dad’s side passed a few months later. That’s when my son told me his cousin told him he wouldn’t be able to visit anymore. He was going on a train with his grandpa, and they couldn’t come back again. Last thing he told him was to never play with guns, they weren’t safe. My nephew took his life with a handgun. Wigged me the hell out.” –songbird563


“My cousin was a few years younger than me and he had an imaginary friend called ‘Mooky.’ Mooky wasn’t human, but some kind of alien/monster thing. Used to freak me out when I’d hear a noise behind me at my grandparents house and my cousin would calmly say “It’s only Mooky, he just wants to see you.'” –Gemski13


“When I was little I claimed to have an imaginary friend, who had light brown hair and wore a night gown, and she had stars for eyes. Well, my niece was living at my old childhood home and she told me that she has a friend who misses me and she asked why I went away. When I asked who, she described my old imaginary friend. It was super spooky.” –StarDustAndLus


“A kid said he didnt want to go to church because ‘my invisible friend says he cant follow me in there.'” –Rook_45

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