24 People Share The Scariest Imaginary Friend Story They’ve Heard From A Kid


“Bro, me. His name was Ricky, he lived in the mirrors and wouldn’t let me change. I vividly remember saying something along the lines of, ‘Ricky, please don’t watch me while I’m changing,’ ‘Ricky, go to a different mirror, I have to take a bath.’ Like, what???” –ThisIsSoDamaris


“I’m talking to Ms. Lady.”
“Who’s Ms. Lady?”
“The white lady with black eyes and long fingernails!”
Cue me searching for the nearest exorcist.” –dylanjpierce


“My friends kids used to wake up at night and tell us there is an old lady in their bedroom. F–king best not be.” –smh_r3ddit


“My son was two, he started to cry in the middle of the night and say an “orange doggie” was under his cot. This went on for at least a month, he would describe the orange doggie as having sharp teeth, stealing his dummies, and biting his lips and face until there was blood. He’s 16 now and still remembers it vividly.” –muthaclucker


Purple mommy. When my son was first learning to talk, he would tell us about something called “purple mommy”. It could be an imaginary friend, but these details are a little bit creepy.

Purple mommy is all purple with long hair and bright all white eyes (at the time he mixed up purple with black, so he could have meant she was all black). Purple mommy picks him up at night, and turns off the lights. We would often find my son out of his crib in the morning, which would mean him crawling over the railing and to the ground, at a time when he was barely walking. Definitely found the lights in his room off a few times too, even though he’s terrified if the dark.

Purple mommy needs a bandage because she has blood everywhere. Purple mommy has no smile, meaning a mouth. Purple mommy can take her head off. Purple mommy really doesn’t like daddy.

He told us all of this stuff for maybe a year or a little more. If we ever asked where she was, he’d always point to the same spot. A corner of the room behind his open closet door. He would also wake up crying almost every night during this time. Once, during a really rough night, my wife went to ask him whats wrong, and his answer was ‘purple mommy wont let me sleep.'” –professor_dog


“My youngest sister (4 at the time) had an imaginary friend named Paris Jaris. My dad had built her a small playhouse in our backyard where my mom could see and hear her while she was in the kitchen. My sister would have tea parties and such with her imaginary friend.

One day mom heard her say ‘don’t worry, as long as I’m alive they won’t hurt you.’ She paused and said, ‘Well if you do that then I can’t help you, it’s not nice to kill people.’ When my mom asked her what that was about my sister said ‘sometimes I have to tell Paris to be a nice person or he can’t visit anymore.’ We moved not to long afterwards and she didn’t get a new playhouse.” –Biggusparrot


“Most of my extended family live around the same area so we have lot’s of gatherings. For the backstory, one of my uncles (lets call him Steve) lost a childhood friend when he was ~7. Steve and his friend (let’s call him Jack) were having a play-date one after noon and got a bit dirty in some mud. So Steve’s mother gave Jack a pair of Steve’s shoes to borrow. When Jack’s father came to pick him up after the play date they forgot to put back on Jack’s shoes and Jack accidentally got into the car with the borrowed shoes still on. Tragically the father and Jack got into a terrible car crash on the way home which killed 7-year old Jack. The family had him buried in the shoes he had borrowed from Steve (I’m not sure why).

Fast forward 30 years to a family gathering in 2010. My 6 year old cousin Sara is playing alone with toys in a quieter room of the house. My Uncle Steve comes up to her and asks her what she is playing. Sara responds saying that she is playing with a friend. Holding back a smile, Steve asks who her imaginary friend is. Sara continues to play while saying that she is playing with his friend Jack, and that ‘he is sorry he forgot to give your shoes back.’ My Uncle’s jaw nearly dropped. He had not talked about Jack in years, let alone tell that story to a 6-year-old.

No one had brought up Jack that day nor at any family gathering recently. Every time I remember this incident I get chills.” –paxlaina


“I have a younger relative who used to talk about her imaginary friend, Ms. Mim.
Ms. Mim looks down on everyone, not because she’s arrogant but because she is always floating high up on the ceiling.
Ms. Mim is always wearing her favorite white dress and holding a big clear towel (a wedding dress and veil).
Ms. Mim’s neck is always bent.
Ms. Mim cries a lot.
Ms. Mim hates our grandma.
When we mentioned this to grandma, she told us she had a friend who hanged herself in her wedding dress after her groom left her at the altar.
I asked that same relative if she remembers Ms. Mim, but all she could recall was that weird crying she heard sometimes.” –illogicalfuturity


“My when my cousin and I were kids she casually mentioned she had a ‘friend named Harold who lived in the picture frames.’ Their entire hallways was lined with picture frames, and she would always hold her breath when she walked by them. Anyway one day we were hanging out in their unfinished basement and she pointed to a beam in the far back corner and stated very bluntly that ‘That’s where Harold sleeps.'” –Normal-Bicycle


“When my son was 3-4 he started talking about his wife. He would say she was outside, and very sad. I remember him putting his hand on his heart and saying he missed her, but we couldn’t let her in—she needed to move on.” –saltydottie

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