24 People Share The Scariest Imaginary Friend Story They’ve Heard From A Kid


“My bedroom was in the attic. When my brother was 4 he told me about the man who lived in the attic. Apparently he would hear someone walking around in the attic when I wasn’t in there. He said he’d seen someone’s head poking out of the hatch watching him at night, and that he was sorry he’d been too scared to do anything about the man in my bedroom.

If that wasn’t bad enough one time I was hanging out in his room one day when he went quiet out of no where and when I asked what was wrong he said ‘he’s back’ and I swear to god I heard footsteps coming from the attic

I no longer live with them. I was talking to the same brother (now aged 10) about him taking the bigger attic bedroom now that it’s empty. My youngest brother (5) immediately answered, ‘But where will the man live?’” –mother_of_squid


“My boss has a stepdaughter who likes to talk about her brother all the time and how he’s a bad boy who likes to play with fire. She’s an only child.” –NK_1989


“My son has always talked about ‘the green lights that come visit him.’
4yr old: The green lights came to me again last night.
Us: Oh, OK. Are they friendly?
4yr old: They don’t have mouths… Sometimes they go into your room.” –TheKlic


“When my daughter was really young she had an imaginary friend named DeeDee. If she’d wake up in the middle of the night she’d strip her bed and build a pile of her blankets and pillows in our room and wake up in ‘her nest.’

When she was five years old we moved in to our new house, built in the late 1800s by cattle rancher Jesse Driskell. In the new house she started building the piles in her own room, but she’d wake up on her stripped bed.

When asked, she insisted that the nest was ‘for her friend Rose.’ We asked her if Rose was friends with DeeDee, and she’d say, ‘No, Rose is real.’ She would tell us about Rose waking her up at night and wanting to rest, so she’d build a nest for her on the floor and go back to bed.

Years later a sweet old neighbor and grand-niece of the Driskell family told us that Jesse had a first wife, who had died in the house of sepsis poisoning.

Her name was Rose.” –Jake_Kiger

Lead image: Annie Spratt/Unsplash.

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