A concerned mom turned to Reddit after her daughter’s teacher made her feel badly about not inviting a bully to her child’s birthday party, and they helped put things in perspective.
u/someserioustoast explained to readers that she and her husband had planned a surprise birthday party for their daughter, who is about to turn six, and therefore didn’t get her input on who she did or didn’t want in attendance. So they decided to invite her entire class — minus one.
“My daughter is Korean in a mostly white school and this girl has apparently made it her life’s mission to bully my child every day about it,” she said. “She calls her mean names, makes fun of her eyes, the food she brings for lunch, and has even got physical. The teacher tries to separate them as much as he can but it still continues.”
Understandably, mom was concerned that inviting a child who has constantly harassed and bullied her daughter might ruin her special day.
However, she handed out invitations to the party during a class event, when her daughter wasn’t paying attention. The teacher noticed and pulled her aside to note he felt it was inappropriate she excluded just this one child “just because [her] child can’t take a little teasing.”
“I told him unless he was going to make that girl’s bad actions suddenly stop then she will not be allowed anywhere near my child’s birthday,” the Redditor wrote. She also added that although the girl’s mother has reached out in the past, she’s never apologized for her daughter’s behavior. “I feel bad that I have to not include her as I was always the kid who never got invitations to parties but my baby will always come first.”