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23 Quarantine Beauty Fails That Show Life Can Always Be Worse

As everyone on the planet not living in one of those uncontacted South American tribes knows by now: The entire world is stuck in a bizarre holding pattern thanks to the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic. Workers are working from home or not at all, classes have been canceled, events have been delayed. Nobody knows when this will end and how much more we’re in for.

As a result of the month-long quarantine, complete with social distancing and the closure of most businesses people have been left to their own devices like never before. This is a good thing for some, who are baking their own bread and growing their own arugula, and a disaster for others who are trying to replace the skills and expertise of professionals with homemade face masks and other questionable DIY beauty hacks.

While they may have failed spectacularly in their quarantine beauty attempts, they’ve succeeded in giving the rest of us a much-needed laugh. 

Gaze upon these quarantine beauty fails and gain a newfound respect for barbers and stylists everywhere.

1. “Quarantine + boredom + overconfidence = this monstrosity.”

quarantine beauty fails, beauty fails, haircut fails, quarantine haircut fails, quarantine haircut


3. “Having my first buzzcut with the boys at 11 PM without checking how much battery the razor has left.”

quarantine beauty fails, beauty fails, haircut fails, quarantine haircut fails, quarantine haircut

4. “My kiddo cut his hair yesterday, then agreed to let me have a little fun with it before we fixed it.” 

quarantine beauty fails, beauty fails, haircut fails, quarantine haircut fails, quarantine haircut








9. “I accidentally burned my lip trying to wax yesterday… so painful.”


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