19 People Who Are Smarter Than You Or I Could Ever Hope To Be

Some people are just really smart. Like, you can work hard in school and become well educated, but that’s not really the same as what these folks are bringing to the table.

1. Did it and it felt great.

life hacks, lifehack, genius

2. Work smart, not hard, or not at all is even better.

life hacks, lifehack, genius

3. So many opportunities wasted.

life hacks, lifehack, genius

4. Get on it, Pixar.

life hacks, lifehack, genius

5. Don’t do this.

life hacks, lifehack, genius

6. Go out in style.

life hacks, lifehack, genius

7. Clever girl.

life hacks, lifehack, genius

8. Duhnuhnuhnuhnuhnuh.

life hacks, lifehack, genius

9. I wore the same thing to my sister’s wedding.

life hacks, lifehack, genius

10. Move over, ChocoTaco.

life hacks, lifehack, genius

11. New execution method.

life hacks, lifehack, genius

12. Stick it to the man.

life hacks, lifehack, genius

13. Yeah but now you have one shoe on.

life hacks, lifehack, genius

14. Great way to save $999.

life hacks, lifehack, genius

15. You shall not pass.

16. If the shoe fits…

17. Absolutely brilliant.

18. Is this kid from the future?

19. The most useful of all of them.

More life hacks:


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