Let’s Focus On The Wholesome Heroes Of The Pandemic (23 Posts)

The coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic is putting systems and individuals around the world under entirely new pressures and people are dealing with it in different ways and with various levels of success.

There is a lot of death and heartbreak occurring at the moment as well as a lot of uncertainty, both economic and otherwise. The one silver lining in these dark times is that there are good people all over the world who are rising to meet the challenge that coronavirus is posing to humanity. These hometown heroes are doing what they can to make their fellow human beings’ lives a little easier in this difficult time.

People are stepping up to help those who are struggling, and it’s wholesome as hell.

1. “He came out of retirement after 35 years to help with this epidemic. This man is a legend in Italy as he helped with the first heart transplant.”

wholesome coronavirus

2. Neil Gaiman and LeVar Burton teaming up:

wholesome coronavirus

3. An Arab immigrant who lives in Italy and owns a fruit market is giving away fruit for free. His sign reads: “You welcomed me into your country for 10 years. Today I return my favor to you.”

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5. “I (27m) mentioned that I am out of work and my elderly neighbor left this on my doorstep.”

wholesome coronavirus


7. “Our neighbor doesn’t have Wi-Fi, so we talked her through joining ours. Once on she received 70 messages from her children living overseas.”





10. This man from New Jersey who thanked emergency workers for saving his wife

wholesome coronavirus

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