Ahh, sexism in the gym. Does it ever go away? will it ever get old? Not with douchebags like u/Substantial-Draw2078 around!
See, this absolute turd of a dude told a girl “I don’t want to die” when she offered to spot him. I don’t know how else you can color that. I can’t think of a story that would make this okay. But sure, let’s give this blowhard some airspace here and check out his full story.
Here he is, benching in the school gym, alone. So he called out for a spot since he didn’t know anyone there.
Earlier today, I was benching in my school’s gym. I usually don’t go on Tuesdays but I’m trying to throw in some more work throughout the week. There wasn’t really anybody I know for real when I was up there so when I needed a spot I just called out to no one in particular asking for a spot.
No one else offered except a young woman! She tells him she’ll spot him and he lobs back quickly that he isn’t trying to die today. What a fucking dick.
The first person to say something is this girl who I knew would be no help. Not a beat after she finishes saying that she can spot me I say “I’m not tryna die today.” She had this offended look on her face and I was like “Can you deadlift 315?”
He doubled down trying to humiliate this person.
She ain’t say nothing and I said “That’s what I thought.” I get somebody else to spot me and go on and finish my workout.
AND GOOD FOR HER, she walked up to him after the workout and told him he was sexist and disrespectful.
When I’m walking about trying to get to my car to go home; she comes up to me and starts jawing about how I was sexist and all that. That I was disrespectful just because she was a girl and I should apologize for being misogynistic. That’s not true at all, I just knew she wouldn’t be able to do anything if I were to fail the rep.
Ready for his excuse? He’s short with people when he works out. Lord, I hate him.
When I’m doing a hard workout I do tend to be short with people so maybe I could’ve been a little more polite but I don’t think I did anything wrong. AITA?
Reddit, bless them, called out his atrocious behavior. One user wrote, “YTA. You do not need to dead lift 315 to spot someone. A simple “no thank you” would have sufficed but you had to be rude. Your comment was most likely rooted in sexism.”
Another person wrote, “YTA, I bench press significantly more than you and I’ve let girls spot me before. On a normal set if you know your limits the spotter should never have to apply more than 10-20lb of force to the bar. Even if you were going for a max attempt where you might experience total failure there are nicer ways to say it.”
“It’s also an asshole move to just assume a girl isn’t strong enough just by looking at her. OP, look up Chloe Brennan. I’m a big guy, and that small woman who looks like she could still be in high school can lift more than I can. YTA,” said a third.