
Husband Asks ‘AITA’ For Wanting His Working Wife With Plenty Of Free Time To Find A More Demanding Job

I read this Reddit post a few days ago and was just SHOCKED that someone could be this stupid. Or controlling? But mostly stupid.


u/TAwifework35 asked Reddit on the AITA community if he was in the wrong for telling his wife she needed to find another job. WHY did he tell his wife she needed another job? Well, well, well…

Me (26m) and my wife (24f) have been married for 4 years. During those 4 years she had the same job which requires her to be away Friday to Sunday, so she leaves early on Friday and returns about 4-5pm on Sunday. Occasionally it would be leaving on Saturday and returning Sunday. She also has to work some of the school/public holidays.

Wife apparently works non-traditional hours Friday through Sunday and sometimes holidays. She does have off during the week.

I work full time and get just a bit above minimum wage and tips, so our bills are split 60 (her) to 40(me). While I find myself struggling with money and having to have to borrow from the joint bank account, my wife never have this problem.

The OP works a minimum wage job and struggles with money. His wife never has that issue. She gets paid well and is working a great job, but it is confidential work.

I know she is getting paid more then I do as she works for a high profile client, but I’m not sure by how much more. She also wouldn’t tell me what exactly she is doing, all I know is that it is connected to her degree and it is 100% not a sex work or nothing in that industry. The reason why she won’t tell me is because she signed the contract and it is highly confidential so she is not allowed to go into details.

OP’s wife helps out around the house on her off days but isn’t much of a cook. She still contributes to the house but generally on her off days, she’s.. uh, you know. OFF.

She does chores around the house but doesn’t cook (she admits herself she is a bad cook and hates it), instead she would order either those premade healthy meals you then heat up for herself or takeaway. When I’m home and she hasn’t ordered she will order for me too. So most of the day while I’m working she is either in our house chilling (watching TV, playing video games, reading or exercising) or shopping or in the gym.

And here’s where OP’s bizarre fury falls upon us: he is mad that she has time off when he has to work. He told her she is “wasting her day”.

Over the years I got annoyed with this and have asked her to find another job so she has something to do while I’m working instead of wasting her day. She told me she is not wasting her day but relaxing and her job pays her enough so she can afford the lifestyle she wants.

For some reason, OP also thinks it’s her fault that things “aren’t fair” to him. He told her that she should get another job to… I guess make him feel better?

I said it is not fair on me, as I come home tired while she has done nothing all day, to which she said I can find another job or a different job but I am an asshole for wanting her to find another job because I feel tired when coming back from my work, when she has already got a job she loves.

After she won’t talk to me. I have spoken to my family and while my parents agree with me that she needs to work, my sisters took my wife’s side and called me a massive asshole.

Of COURSE his parents agreed with him. This guy is such a douche.

Edit: I’m not saying she needs to quit the job she has. I’m saying she needs to find another job to do during her freetime, could be a part time one, since she doesn’t really do much during the day.

Reddit’s fury was unleashed. Behold!

Tokimi- / Reddit
Total_Eagle_7359 / Reddit
RoyallyOakie / Reddit