Man Wonders If He’s A Jerk For Demanding His Girlfriend Pay The Majority Of Their Rent

Living with your significant other poses the opportunity for multiple issues. The most common would be: “how is rent going to be split, if at all?” Sometimes it’s an easy situation to work out, but other times it can lead to a lot of tension and possibly even the end of the relationship altogether.

A recent Reddit post featured a very upset boyfriend in his 5 year residency who felt his girlfriend should pay the majority of their upcoming rent because she made more than him annually. Members of the “AITA?” community had a field day ripping him apart for his misogynistic comments towards his successful girlfriend. Read the story in full below along with some of the top comments.

“…If she isn’t willing to pay a bit more to put some skin in the game, she’s being a gold digger…”

Photo by Rene Asmussen:

OP asked, in a very manipulative way: “AITA for expecting my gf to pay her share of the rent?”

My gf and I have been dating for a year and we want to move in together. We want a 2 bedroom, 1 bath apartment or townhouse near my work. I’m a 2nd year pathology resident and my residency is 5 years long. She works from home and wants an office. She also makes 120k and I only make 68k. So our rent is $1800/month + utilities and she wants to go half on both rent and utilities so we would both pay roughly 1000 a month.

Because she is using one of the rooms as her office I feel like she should pay more so I should pay $700 and she should pay $1300. She thinks even if she is using an extra room because living near the hospital is very expensive I should pay half because we could get a cheaper place if I don’t live near work. She thinks is because we are paying more to live near my work so I don’t have to pay for gas I should pay half for rent. I find she’s being selfish because she makes much more than me, and once I complete my residency I can easily make $350k a year or more.

But according to her it’s not fair for her to wait 3 years to “potentially get paid back” because we could breakup and she would have “subsidized” me. To me if she isn’t willing to pay a bit more to put some skin in the game she’s being a gold digger and waiting for me to make bank without giving anything in the first place. We argued about this a few times and I just want to know if I’m crazy in my thinking or she’s being selfish.

Commentors deemed OP the “A-hole” and warned that he better stop throwing words like “gold digger” around when he’s the only one in the situation displaying the qualities of one.

