Husband Blows Up At Wife For Not Waking Him Up For Work And She Asks If She’s The Jerk

I truly don’t understand how these men are getting married, but hey, here we are with another Am I The Asshole post on Reddit from a woman who didn’t wake her husband up on time and HELLO, consequences of his own actions!

Malvestida Magazine / Unsplash

u/Angel_of_Reddit posted to the subreddit a few days ago with a story about her husband.

“This is weird and seems kind of pointless. Wasn’t sure what to title it. So my husband works from 8am to 8pm M-F. And I have always woken him up. After I make his breakfast, and pack his lunch. But today I didn’t because I was told to come into work at 6:30. My husband doesn’t like to wake up til 7. I told him yesterday that I wouldn’t be able to wake him up since I’d be leaving an hour before he gets up.”

Okay, so, it sounds like her husband is capable of holding a job… you’d think he could set an alarm, right…?

“So I got up at 4:00. Did what I had to do and woke him up at 5:30 – he didn’t get up.”


“Tried again at 5:45 – he asked for the time I said 5:45, then he said not til 7. I said I wouldn’t be here then, but told him that I had ironed and laid out his uniform, packed his lunch and put it in the fridge, and that his oatmeal was ready on the stove. He said okay.”

SHE IRONED. AND LAID OUT. I just—wtf is with this guy!?

“Turns out he didn’t wake up til, “almost 8”. And ended up being “40 minutes late”. And he was really upset about it. But I tried. I really did.

But I do feel that I should’ve maybe called to make sure he was up. And I think the fact that I didn’t call or make 100% sure he got up before I left may have been a mistake on my part. But I didn’t mean it. I just wasn’t thinking.”

Girl. No. I hate this so much. Reddit agreed. Check out the replies.


And I have to share OP’s reply because I just…

He says they, “don’t work for him”.

HE WHAT. I hate this guy.


“I cannot imagine laying out my husband’s clothes for him. I just can’t. It’s such a bizarre, foreign scenario in my mind. I can’t even clearly remember back to when my own mother laid out my clothes for me, because she must have stopped by the time I was about six at the latest.

“I also can’t really imagine making his breakfast or packing his lunch (I make my own lunch – why wouldn’t he do the same? How am I even supposed to know what he fancies for lunch on any given day?), but the lying,” wrote boudicas_shield


donkeyinamansuit wrote, “OMFG is he five years old? He can make his own breakfast and lunch, and he can certainly set himself an alarm! NTA and stop doing all that for him, he’s taking you for granted and you’re letting him walk all over you.”

So yeah, NTA so hard it hurts.