Mother Asks If She Deserved The Criticism She Got For Throwing A Vegan Birthday Party For Her Kid

A kid’s birthday party is supposed to be a fun time for everyone, but especially for the child, everyone is there to celebrate.

Redditor u/Specialist_Badger934 turned to r/AmITheAsshole to find out if she was wrong for making her child’s party safe by making vegan food because her baby has allergies.

To her surprise, her husband and his extended family weren’t having it, leading to an uncomfortable standoff. Here’s how it went down.

OP asks:


OP begins:












What do people think? Overwhelmingly it seems they don’t think OP is an a**hole, but here’s a sampling of the top responses:

Nate Armbruster

Nate Armbruster is a stand-up comedian and writer based in Chicago who is likely writing a joke as you read this. Find him online at