18 People Share The Things That Always Seem To Bring Out The Worst In People

11. Scarcity

“It’s bad enough with concert ticket resellers but the scumbags will do it with anything. There’s a new Lego Bonsai Tree set my girlfriend wants and it’s her birthday soon. It’s sold out. Everywhere. But there are 100s of them on eBay at inflated prices. The top one has ’19 sold’ on it.”—TannedCroissant

13. Travel

“To know what a person is really like go traveling with them.”—Moramug

I’ve had to travel for work a few times and once, I took a flight with a coworker I’d always thought of as fairly mild-mannered, quiet, and laidback.

Unfortunately, we were some of the last people to board, due to our boarding zone, and when we got on the plane, the flight attendant announced that we would have to check our bags because there just wasn’t room for them. 

Well, wouldn’t you know it, my ‘mild-mannered laidback’ coworker threw the biggest fit. He was nasty and condescending and insisted that they had to put our bags in the overhead bins somehow. I tried to tell him that there was nothing we could do, but he was fuming, ranting about how ridiculous this was. I was dying of embarrassment.

Eventually, he gave in, mostly because there was nothing they could do, and I apologized to the flight attendant when his back was turned, saying ‘I’m so sorry. He’s not normally like this.’ She just smiled at me wearily and said, ‘Travel brings out the worst in people.'”—andlife

14. Losing a loved one

“When a loved one dies. People get really, really weird in a bad way about money and stuff. I know a bunch of people who had relatives who flat out stole money and valuables after the death of a family member. It’s crazy. My own family has a permanent rift because when my grandmother died, two of the five siblings cleaned out her accounts.”—alert_armidiglet

15. Anonymity

“Putting a mask on, being on the internet, or otherwise concealing one’s identity. People do some very fucked up things when they know they won’t be held accountable.”—SatanTheTranquil

16. Unprocessed childhood trauma

“As someone that is struggling with mental health, I’m only now beginning to understand why I do a lot of what I do. When our needs for love and acceptance aren’t met, we seek out soothing behaviors that numb the pain. It’s really easy to end up in midlife with no real idea what it means to be happy and feeling no connection to others. As you begin to work on your issues, you find that the soothing behaviors are no longer as soothing because you know why you’re doing it. So, you’re stuck with the emptiness that you’ve always felt and no way to get out of the feeling.”—Skinoob38

17. Kids

“People get real stupid when it comes to their kids. The ‘my baby can do no wrong’ attitude when your child is f–king shit up needs to stop.”—icaphoenix

18. Bullying

“I got bullied a lot in primary school. As soon as I got rid of my bullies in secondary school, I started bullying other people in my new school. I regret it, I was such a dick than.”—Inteeltgarnaal