
People Are Sharing Annoying Stuff That Can Become Someone’s Whole Personality

Reddit user u/Kandiblu recently asked the Reddit community:

“What’s something that people turn into their whole personality?”

The thread went viral with over 40,000 replies. Here are some of the best!

1. Disney

“I went to someone’s house once who was obsessed with Disney. I wasn’t warned of how obsessed they were and literally had to stop in the middle of the room because I was gaping at the sheer volume of Disney stuff they had. Every inch of the walls and surfaces was covered in Disney paraphernalia. The sad/weird thing was that these were extremely wealthy people so they had things like original Disney stuff from the ’30s–’40s and actual valuable objects just crammed next to some tacky plastic plates.”


2. Dance Moms & Sports Dads

“Baseball dads made me quit baseball when I was 12. You’d think we were playing game 7 of the World Series the way they yelled at me.”


3. Fandom

“Some fans are kinda scary. Their whole life becomes dedication to a celebrity’s. And it’s not just their personality, they make everything around them about that person.”

“Posters, music, merchandise, weird things bought on the internet — supposedly with relation to the subject of their obsession — and so on.”


4. “Yucks”

“Disliking something. Met someone the other day who hates avocados so damn much every conversation they’d have would come back to how different they were from most people ’cause they hated avocados.” –u/HooblesWasTaken

5. Myer-Briggs


“People really latch hard onto anything that helps them understand and categorize themselves.”


6. Horses

“I don’t think I’ve ever met someone who owns horses whose entire existence wasn’t solely revolved around the fact that they own horses.”


7. Drinking

“This is especially true when you Google gift ideas for men. It’s turned into a whole hobby.”


8. Crossfit

“It’s a cult – cough – way of life.”


9. Astrology

The only full moon presiding over me is my own bare ass.”


10. Harry Potter

“I love Harry Potter too, but there’s a difference between loving the books and films and using it as a framework to examine reality. No, the politician you dislike isn’t just like Voldemort. And no, people aren’t divisible into four sets of character traits.”


11. Stocks

“Stocks/trading/investments. This isn’t Boiler Room or Wolf of Wall Street. You don’t need to convince me to get into trading as we talk over a food service counter.” –u/XtremePizzaBuilder

12. School

“Being a badass in school. Like, giving teachers a day of hell just ’cause they’re ‘real’ and say what they think without filtering it.”


13. Your Car

“I’ve noticed this particularly with Jeep Wrangler owners.”


14. Musical Taste

“I was like that as a teen. You don’t listen to heavy metal? Why not? I enjoy listening to heavy metal; therefore, I am somehow cooler and better than you. Now, I liken it to going to a buffet and only eating chicken breast. You’re not impressing anyone dipshit, you’re just missing out on a ton of other cool flavors and textures.”


15. Work

Some people just make it their whole life, and I don’t get it. Work to live, don’t live to work. My workplace’s normal business hours are 8:30–5:00, but I’m constantly hearing people talk about how they work so late. It makes me cringe.”


16. The Office

“It is legitimately a really good show, and I would recommend it, but it has really taken on a cult following.”


17. Brands

People think choosing a brand of clothing says a lot about them.”


18. Anglophilia

“My Texas high school had a British club. I’m actually a British citizen, so I tried to join. Those people were nuts. They made Doctor Who and Sherlock their whole personalities.”


19. Wine Moms

“Live laugh love!”


20. Their Generation

“Ugh, I can’t stand the smug ‘I’m a ’90s kid, you’re not’ thing. It’s nonsensical. This culture didn’t suddenly start in 1990, nor suddenly stop in 2000. Decades blend into each other, and we only really differentiate them later on. Plenty of things associated with the ’90s were still popular in early 2000s. It’s fun to reminisce together, but the whole cliquey gatekeeping thing is pretty cringeworthy, imo.”


Lead image: Unsplash/Screenshot/SNL