Men Are Sharing The Best Compliments They’ve Ever Received From A Woman And It’s Pretty Wholesome

Women give each other compliments all the time. Even when they’re hollow like someone saying they like your shirt while you’re both trapped in an elevator, they still aren’t very hard to come by. Men don’t get as many compliments because they aren’t raised to communicate their emotions as freely as women are. 

Men on Reddit made it clear how unusual it was for a man to get a compliment when they shared the best compliments they had ever received from a girl. Many of the compliments that men remembered were really small and a great reminder to speak up when you have something nice to say. 

Tbh, it’s pretty damn cute.


A coworker who I would walk to the bus station with said “I feel safe with you” and as a big hairy dude with resting murder face and a deep voice, that was something absolutely new to me. It’s been 6 years and I still think about that compliment.



My girlfriends grandmother has Alzheimer’s, so she doesn’t remember meeting me. Every time we go and see her, she’ll take my girlfriend to the side and ask “Who is that handsome young man?” While pointing to me.



I remember my work partner (a woman), talking to another female coworker during lunch about their love lives. She was talking about an ex and how he cheated on her and lied to her and god knows what else. She then said something along the lines of “boys are the worst”, and I laughed. She then looked right at me and said “Except you, but you’re not a boy, you’re a man.”

I swear, my heart skipped a beat. It was the first time I was ever called something like that. It was amazing to be finally seen that way as a 30 year old.



“Your hair has so much body today”

I don’t even know what that means but I know its good.



Once had a group of girls tell me I was charming.

Had another close friend that I gave a lot of shit say that I was very easy to talk to.

I’ve cherished both compliments.



“The kids are really lucky that you’re their dad.”

I was wondering if I’d been doing well as a dad and felt kind of depressed, but hearing that from my sweet wife reaffirmed that I’m doing okay.



There was a girl who had my name entered into her phone as “Mmmmmmmmm”



My closest friend and I have the kind of friendship where we just constantly insult each other. Like honestly she’s attractive. but I’d never say that to her face.

Once she just out of the blue said “dude honestly you’re not ugly at all”

Fucking made my day.



Walked by a young lady walking into a restaurant. She stopped & came back in to tell me I smell great. I smiled the rest of the day.



A complete stranger said “If I looked like you, I would be smiling all day long”

That one stuck with me, maybe because it’s the only time I’ve been complimented by a woman



The first time I had sex with this girl, we were both coming off a bit of a dry spell. Mid-coitus, she quite unexpectedly yelled out “you’re so much better than a vibrator!” We’re married now.



Shortly after I graduated from college, I got this e-mail from my best friend’s girlfriend. Not having much of a life, I was a frequent third wheel on their dates. She was a year behind us, so she was still in college after I had finished.

Anyway, she just goes on and on in this e-mail about how much she misses seeing me around campus and hanging out with me. The line that stuck with me was, “Of all the people I know, you’re the one I most want to see happy.”

Closest thing I ever got to a love letter.



I was paying for a pizza for supper and as the girl at the till was tallying the order she cut herself off mid-sentence to say “Wow your eyes are gorgeous!”

I turned redder than the tomato sauce.



I used to be a nude model for a life drawing class in college, and I was told that I have a “pretty” penis. Not impressive in size or girth or anything, but uniform and a nice ratio.



I had just started wearing cologne for the first time in my life (around 22) and looked up how to actually apply it properly as not to be obnoxious. Weekend comes around I get dressed throw some cologne on and go out to get a coffee and run errands. Get to the Starbucks and order and the barista says “I like your cologne, it smells nice and you have the exact right amount on when most guys WAY overdo it” (paraphrase). I was so caught off guard by such a sincere and innocent compliment I still think of it before even generic GF compliments.



I was in college and walking between classes and decided to get a snack from a vending machine. The girl in front of me put her order in, but the item got stuck against the glass and apparently, she didn’t have anymore and was a tad upset.

I stepped up, ordered the item directly above her item, it vended correctly and jarred her item loose in the process. She had a big beaming smile and said “My hero!”.



A woman in the lobby of a medical centre with a baby in a pram asked me to keep an eye on it for a moment. I said ‘are you sure about that’ and she said I just looked like someone she could trust.

I was touched, and she was right.



Someone once told me that I was their happy place. I treasure that to this day.



My girlfriend told me her friends all thought I was very attractive and in really good shape. As someone with self-esteem issues regarding my looks, that was the one compliment that cheers me up every time I think about it.



I got onto an elevator at the last minute one time and an older lady said it reminded her of Indiana Jones, then she said I could do radio with a voice like mine.



A girl I worked with said, “wow, you’re always so positive and optimistic. It’s really nice to work with someone like you”. It made my depressed ass happy and proud.



Early on in our relationship my now wife told me that she usually didn’t sleep well, except when I was there and then she fell asleep easily. Which is especially impressive at the time given we were cramming me (6’3″) and her (5’11”) into a standard twin bed.



“How did you get so good in bed?” No matter how good you think you are as a guy its hard to know for sure so this one stroked my ego a bit.



“Your freckles are so cute!” Was said to me by a drop dead gorgeous coworker of mine. Left me feeling like I was on cloud nine.



Got a Redhead sweatshirt (brand, not red haired person), cutest girl in the class complemented me on it, still have that sweatshirt.



“You have eyelashes that women will kill to have.” So far, it’s the nicest compliment I’ve received from someone. I don’t think I’ll ever forget it.



21 years old at the orthodontists getting a retainer fixed. Nurse who was probably only a few years older than me told me I had really nice blue eyes, while her fingers are all in my mouth. I’m gonna hold onto that one for awhile.



In a post breakup argument with my ex, she said “I wish I could tell you you’re a bad person, but you’re not. You’re actually a really great person, but fuck you anyway.”



For a short period in my early twenties I used to work at this school. At one point when we were sitting down eating lunch, this tiny first grader comes and sits next to me, and says quietly.

“I wish I had an older sister”
“Oh? Why?”
“Cause then you and her could become really good friends, and then you would come visit us all the time.”

I’ve gotten quite a few compliments from my own age group and older, but that little innocent one was almost heartbreakingly sweet and nice to hear.



I was outside kicking a soccer ball around with some friends. A girl I kind of knew walked by and stopped to watch for a while. I asked if she’d like to join and she said “oh, no, I hate soccer. I was just looking at your abs.”


Hannah Riley

Hannah Riley a comedy writer and content editor with ADHD living in Seattle, Washington.