
People Are Sharing The Dumbest Things They’ve Ever Heard (20 Posts)

Get ready to facepalm with me.

Like, you can just FEEL the residual embarrassment wafting in the air. I know we’ve all done it — said something and INSTANTLY gone: Self, WTF? — but there’s something special about reading others’ foibles and being so glad it wasn’t you who let it rip.

u/PagalScientist asked the Reddit community:

“What’s the dumbest thing someone has ever said to you?”

And everyone stepped up to deliver in the viral post. Check out the 20 best below.

1. Don’t need farmers?

“That we don’t need farmers because we have grocery stores. (I live in a rural area.)” —u/ApplicationFar655

2. Flying over stars

“A friend of mine asked me why we didn’t see stars when we flew over them. She truly believed that when you were flying on an airplane, you flew over the stars. I was speechless.” —u/Outrageous-Crow-5359

3. Uuhhhhh. It does not.

“The dumbest thing I heard was that the Golden Gate Bridge connects North America and Europe.” —u/diesereineda

4. Education is key

“A guy asked me if Hitler was before or after World War II. We are both native Germans.” —u/Kilimandijaro

5. That’s not how sick works

“A supervisor told me, ‘You can only get sick if you want to be sick.'” —u/Donut106

6. Poor baby.

“Someone once said that they couldn’t wait for Halloween to fall on Friday the 13th.” —u/burningmurphys

7. You will not

“Last month a coworker asked if I’ll run out of blood eventually because I donate every couple months. He’s 34 years old.” —u/murray22161

8. I would’ve died laughing

“Some guy on a discord server insisted Pakistan is in Africa; I told him that Pakistan is in Asia, and he called me racist and had a little rant.” —u/slimebor

9. They don’t!

“This man said, ‘Isn’t it amazing how dogs just come out knowing commands like sit and lay down?’ He was stone-cold serious.” —u/charliedontplaydat

10. Nocturnal

“I was talking to the cashier at a 24-hour Tesco’s at about 1 in the morning, and he said, ‘I don’t mind working nights because I’m a necrophile.’ I said, ‘Do you mean nocturnal?'”  — deleted

11. Neither

“The dumbest thing I heard was, ‘I don’t know if an egg is a fruit or a vegetable.'” —cannedbenkt

12. It looks so old!

“My husband’s mom is very ignorant and known to say really stupid things. Most recently we were in Italy, and she asked why they don’t just tear down the Colosseum because it looked so old.” —u/M-Y-GirlieGirl

13. Too white for Spanish!

“After I told my college suitemate that I was taking Spanish courses, she said, ‘I don’t mean to stereotype, but you look too white to speak Spanish.'” —u/Person9183736

14. There’s a NEW Mexico?

“I’m from New Mexico and was once told that my English is excellent.” —u/Only_Way2774

15. Oh lord.

“I told someone, ‘I’m studying physics at uni,’ and he said, ‘Oh cool! Like ESP, mind over matter stuff?’ He seemed disappointed when I said no.” —u/Kenobi_01

16. States

“A friend of mine traveled to the US with her family when she was younger. Upon hearing her family’s accent, an American asked, ‘Where are you guys from?’ The answer was Australia, and that person confidently responded with, ‘Ah, which state is that?'” —u/jjayus

17. Aww, that’s kind of sweet.

“I heard someone say, ‘I thought windmills cool down the Earth to stop global warming.'” —u/missionshitpost

18. That’d be nice

“I was told that if I did some breathing exercises for six months and then checked my blood sugar, my Type 1 diabetes would just disappear.” —u/Frobun11

19. Genes and gender

“The dumbest thing I heard was that genes go with gender. If the father has blue eyes, and the mother brown eyes, the kid will have blue eyes if they’re male and brown eyes if they’re female.” —u/Rullis420

20. Girl lions?

“‘Tigers are girl lions!’ Said by my 40-year-old ex-boyfriend who is a nuclear engineer.” —u/doctaliz