25 People Share The Difficult Experiences That Weren’t As Easy As They Seemed


“Skateboarding. I thought jumping on a skateboard “Ollie” will literally take a couple of hours to learn, yet it took many days to do it while moving and it still looked f—king awful. Flipping a skate in the air while it does 360 took me 2 years to learn. Then there’s a stance called Switch, which is basically doing the same trick but in uncomfortable stance for you, different leg front. Learning to Switch 360 Flip and grind/slide on rails in that stance will take years and years of practice.”—awgepizza


“Painting. Professionals make it look incredibly easy but it just becomes a sloppy mess when I try.”—insecuretatertot


“Cashiering. I didn’t realize how much it drained your soul, and almost didn’t come back from it. I don’t even know why it was so hard on me. The work itself was extremely easy- but I always got so depressed and after shifts I was exhausted. If I hadn’t quit I think I would’ve destroyed my mental health.”—Cupcakebearxxxx


“Ice skating. Dude, there’s 7 -year-old kids on the rink dancing, it can’t be that hard! Falls. Gets up. Falls. Falls. Hits barrier. Falls. Falls. God damnit.”—imemperor


“Pen spinning. In high school, I knew a girl who used to spin it like this and it was awesome to watch. I didn’t see what was so hard about it until I attempted it myself. It took a few months of daily practice, along with using finger muscles that I wasn’t used to using, but I’m now able to do it without thinking.”—symbiosa


“Finding a job after college.”—TheIronIcarus


“Late but waitressing. I became a waitress 3 weeks ago and I still haven’t got the hang of it. 5 tables doesn’t seem like much in theory but jeez is it difficult.”—blerghgrrblader


“Cold shower.”—fiord25


“Quitting drinking. By contrast quitting smoking was MUCH easier.”—Tzaddik_1726


“Whistling. I am 23 years old and still haven’t figured it out.”—Ramguy2014