Insiders Share The “Open Secrets” And Tricks Of Their Jobs That Most People Don’t Know About


“Turn it off and on again” isn’t some kind of comedy gag at your expense. It really does solve 90%+ of all known home user IT problems.—u/xilog


Ingredient and nutritional statements on food are wildly inaccurate. Aside from demands by 3rd party auditors which can be skirted, the FDA doesn’t have the resources to verify the accuracy of most nutritional and ingredient statements, instead they rely on the honor system.—u/kerplunk288


Librarian here. 99% of the time your late fines can be waived, but only 1) if our boss isn’t around and 2) you’re nice to us and don’t abuse the privilege.—u/fannywreckdahl


Hydraulic repair guy here. Never will I step foot in an amusement park again and neither will my coworkers.—u/nm2463

industry secrets, industry secrets reddit


Worst industry secret: All hotels have had bed bugs at one point or another. High end and low end hotels. What separates the good hotels from the bad ones are how they handle bed bugs once they are discovered. But if you ask the front desk if they have ever had bed bugs, they will typically lie and say no since most people don’t understand how bed bug infestations happen.—u/XenaJaneway


Thrift store worker here. No, we don’t wash everything before we put it out. People think we have massive industrial washers in the back, nope.—u/CrazyPretzel


Cartoonist here: It doesn’t matter that we make kids’ shows; we are crude, vulgar jackasses.—u/alltherobots


Construction workers do not hoot at women. We lift stuff a lot and eat in sadness—u/Mordilaa


Pilot. We talk about women when flying, and about flying when with women. If we’re talking about flying when flying, start worrying.—u/Rocketflyer360


I’m a nurse. We give morphine to dying patients more or less as assisted suicide.—u/[retracted]

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