“What Is Legal Now, But Likely To Be Illegal In 1-2 Years?”—20 Replies

Something that I think is incredibly fascinating about the law is how it changes. It has to adapt, be challenged, and move with the times in order to remain relevant and fair, but those adaptations can only happen AFTER current laws are challenged. So we get this sort of “breathing” judicial system that changes with technology and history. It’s kinda cool.

u/wooshegaga popped into the Ask Reddit sub to wonder about what might be legal TODAY that isn’t going to be legal in just a few years.

Here are some of the best answers.

1. Grocery Bags

Laws are very local so in municipalities having plastic grocery bags is legal now and might be illegal in 2 years depending on where you live.


2. Fruity vapes

Fruity flavored vapes, I work at a smoke shop and the FDA is trying really hard to ban them.


3. Tobacco

Apparently, in New Zealand, they want to ban all tobacco sales. Anyone born after 2008 would have a lifetime ban.


4. Hopeful

Hopefully child marriage.


5. Medication

Advertising lifesaving medicine that only applies to some conditions as if it was a pizza.


6. Another hopeful one

MLMs (in my dreams, anyway)


7. These really are just wishlist items

Pharmaceutical markups over 300%

in our dreams


8. Bot Buys

Using bots to buy things in bulk such as GPUs and PS5s and then marking up the price to unreasonable levels.


9. Facial recognition

Hopefully facial recognition software. There have already been a number of mistakes.


10. Fireworks

Here in the Netherlands, consumer fireworks grade 2 and above will likely get officially banned within a few years, now during the pandemic the government has banned the usage of fireworks for New Year’s Eve. So an official ban will probably follow.


11. UHHH

Claiming that one is a famous hairdresser, compliment people on their hair, then offer to cut it for them, thus procuring access to their home and rather than cutting their hair simply touching it erotically.

Apparently there is someone in the Netherlands who becomes particularly aroused from hair who repeatedly does this, but it’s not illegal nor breach of contract as he offers to cut it free of charge.


12. Water

Watering lawns (in states with water shortages)


13. Ukraine

At the rate Russia’s massing troops, I’d say Ukrainian independence.


14. Vodka Redbull

Serving Vodka redbulls, so many bars near me have already removed them due to the health hazards and many have switched to other energy drink alternatives.


15. Weed Light

Delta 8 weed


16. Philippine Democracy

Philippine [democracy]. A dictator’s son will be winning next year’s elections and it’ll go downhill from that.


17. Crypto

Well not exactly illegal but cryptocurrency will be regulated by the SEC and government.


18. Abortion

Abortion in some states


19. More Vapes

Disposable vapes. After the demise of flavored Juul pods (RIP cucumber) and changing the legal purchasing age to 21 in the USA, I wouldn’t doubt it


20. Deep Fakes

Deep fake technology. Well, maybe not in 2 years, but I’m assuming it will happen.
