20 Situations That Always Seem To Create Sexual Tension

There are some situations that always seem to be sexually loaded — even when they’re not really. On Reddit, people are sharing these situations, and I think we all can relate. Whether you’ve been in a small space with your crush, like an elevator, or accidentally touch knees on the train, you’ve probably felt some sexual tension. Or maybe you and your friends decided to take a swim at night and then one by one they get out of the pool, leaving only you and your crush. Moments like these? Filled with tension.

1. Getting Close

“At an old job of mine, I was doing a bit of work on a computer and this girl, who I happened to be interested in, comes up to me and starts to have a conversation, so I turn and face her. Couple sentences later, she takes a step towards me so we’re about half a foot apart. The tension was strong. Should have asked for her number or something- Stupid past me.” — Renardodavinci

2. Swimming Alone

“Swimming alone together.” — glowy_clublights

3. Knees Touch

“When you’re sitting next to someone you like who likes you back and your knees/legs start touching but neither of you pull away so you’re both just aware that you’re touching and getting closer.” oceanofflavor

4. Eye Contact

“Multiple instances of ‘accidental’ eye contact.” — jessfuh

5. Play Wrestling

“Play wrestling, as childish as it sounds lol. On the night my boyfriend and I confessed to each other, we were just in his car chilling and listening to music. We started play wrestling over his phone because we wanted different songs to play next. It came to a point where our limbs were pretty tangled up so none of us could reach the phone but he was on me and our faces were really close to each other’s. At the time I only had hints that he may have liked me (literally figured it out on that day bc he started dropping them a lot more obviously despite making moves for a month or two. i’m incredibly dense!!) in that moment, I could Feel that tension and just wanted to kiss him right then and there but that didn’t happen till like waaaay later in a different place that night (morning? it was 6am by then).” — m_xes

6. Fan Fiction

“When a fanfic writer types ‘and there was only one bed.'” — bizarre_adv_TJ

7. Night Swimming

“Night swimming. If you ever get invited night swimming you’re in for a helluva time.” — DaMoltisantiKid

8. Haircuts

“In college I got a pretty meh haircut and was lamenting about it to a group of friends. One girl chimed in that she could fix it for me and she had all the tools in her room to do it. We went back to her dorm room, and she slowly spent a lot of time snipping little bits of my hair, moving around me, and we made a f*ck ton of eye contact while she checked it from every angle. She’d get in close to check things, and I could feel her breath on my neck, or she’d run her fingers through my hair and across my scalp to pull some up to be trimmed. The tension was so thick I could barely breathe and she did a great job on my hair.” — LA_Nail_Clippers

9. Adrenaline

“Literally anything involving adrenaline. Scary situations, roller coasters, horror movies, etc. The heightened levels of arousal (physical not sexual) that come with those situations get the juices flowing and the two people are much more likely to attach those intense feelings to each other than the actual stressor.” — FatherMiyamoto

10. Ghost

“Sitting behind a lady at a pottery wheel helping her make a vase. Bonus points if one or both people are ghosts.” — Lumberjack1229

11. Stuck In An Elevator

“Being stuck in an elevator with someone who you have major chemistry with.” — Musician-Round

12. When The Group Dwindles

“When you hang out in a group get-together all day and everything dies down until it’s just the two of you talking in the middle of the night.” — cheesehuahuas

13. Last At Work

“Being the last two people at work. Bonus points if it’s in the lab behind a lot of restricted access doors. It’s quiet. It’s private. Neither of you are speaking because you’re concentrating or trying to let the other person concentrate. So, of course, your imagination picks this time to revert to maximum creativity and sexual fantasy despite you trying to suppress it. Times like this I wish I could manually disable the lizard parts of my brain.” — Kale

14. Accidental Touching

“Accidental touching but neither of you move – like when you’re in the back seat of a car and your thighs touch. Or your legs touch under a table.” — feelsgoodmaam

15. Medical Care

“When I was in college a group of friends and I were walking around campus, some of us were on skateboards. I tried to impress one of the girls and ate sh*t riding down this steep short hill. Scraped my arm pretty bad. Said girl took me to her dorm where she had a first aid kit. She sanitized, washed, neosporin and bandaged me up. God damn the tension was strong.” — timidasfuck

16. Sitting Close

“Someone deciding to sit in the seat right next to you even though there are tons of other empty seats.” — forevericeland

17. Cooking

“Showing someone how to cook; cooking together. All of my experiences have led to me eventually dating the person.” — Business-Corgi-8982

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