
People Share Things That Just Scream “I’m Insecure!” (20 Posts)

Insecurity is no joke and while everyone has certain trigger points, it’s important to recognize them and try not to make your insecurities someone else’s problem.

I’m not just talking about little things like telling quips to avoid a topic, but really important things that you SERIOUSLY should not do. So as you peruse this list curated from u/imma_lick_your_ass‘s question, “what screams insecurity but most people don’t realize?” take some notes!

1. Leadership

In terms of leadership, it’s when someone can’t (or won’t) take input from the rest of their team and tries to act like they have all the answers. I was this type of insecure leader once and I thought that if I used the idea of someone with less experience then everyone would think I was a weak leader. But after I was removed from that position I had to work for a lot of managers who did a lot of the same stupid shit that I was doing but magnified due to years of insecurity/habit/karma.


2. Comparisons

The incessant need to compare.


3. Never apologizing

Some people will twist the story, change the way it happened and retell it so convincingly that they’ll believe their own nonsense but will never apologize


4. Ridiculing

Ridiculing other people’s achievements.


5. Taking crap

when they can give you shit all day but can’t take it back whatsoever


6. Be happy

Always having something negative to say when something good happens to someone else. For example “oh you’re going to hate that new job” or “they should have done x instead”. Just be happy that someone else is happy!!


7. So mean

Putting other people down and bragging



When they can’t make fun of themselves


9. Be chill

Jealousy over little things


10. Just why?

Insulting your friend in front of others to be cool.


11. Not about you

Taking a situation that was never about you or had you involved in it and somehow making it all about yourself and playing victim(even tho you had meddle in it and make yourself the” victim “)


12. Smart people don’t do this

Explaining how smart you are.


13. Let it go

When they found a point that makes them look better than the other person and continue to overstay on that point.


14. Critique

When they can’t take constructive criticism.


15. Ow?

Those handshakes that are firm to the point you wonder if they’re actually trying to hurt you.


16. Shhh.

Being loud and domineering in every conversation.


17. Mistakes

Trying to justify every “mistake”, usually its minimal, but once you notice someone that does it, you just cant stop noticing it when they do it


18. This guy

“I’m an Alpha Male.”


19. Ahead or behind

Obsessing over hierarchies, or who is ‘ahead’ and who is ‘behind’ in life.


20. Perfection

Selling NFTs of yourself.
